Advertising Policy

Our main goal at DiaBettr is to help people make lifestyle changes to manage Type 2 diabetes and improve overall health. We strive to first put the interests of people with Type 2 diabetes in the information and content we provide.

In order to help develop and maintain quality content, DiaBettr accepts advertisements and sponsorships that do not conflict with our goal.

Any feedback on advertisements or sponsorships on this site can be sent to Please include a description of the advertisement/sponsorship and the link to the page it appeared.

Ad Guidelines

We review all advertisements and maintain sole discretion for determining which ads will be displayed on The presence of ads on our site does not mean we endorse the advertising company or product.

DiaBettr makes a clear distinction between advertising/sponsorship content and editorial content. Advertising content will be clearly labeled and sponsored areas of the site will be labeled as such, along with the sponsoring organization.

Affiliate Programs

DiaBettr may include links to products we believe could be useful to our readers in our content. While we choose products independently, DiaBettr may receive a payment if you make a purchase at the retailer’s site after clicking an affiliate link.